Bikini Vs. Brazilian Hair Removal: Getting Summer Ready

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Summer is fast approaching and that means warmer weather, hot sun, and hitting the beach, pool or lake. It also means making a couple beauty choices to make getting summer-ready as easy as possible.

One choice is whether to get a Brazilian or bikini laser hair removal treatment.

Not sure about the difference? Neither are many women who schedule time at a laser spa. Understanding the difference can help achieve the specific look or feel you might be looking for.

In a nutshell, here are the differences between a Brazilian laser hair removal treatment and a bikini treatment, why the hair removal cost is worth it and what you should expect if you visit your local body hair removal clinic.

The Differences Between Brazilian and Bikini Hair Removal

The only real difference between a Brazilian hair removal and bikini hair removal treatment is the area covered. Both can be customized to fit the customer’s preferences and made to fit even the most minimal of bikinis, including hiding hair under everyday underwear.

Bikini Hair Removal: A general rule is that a bikini will cover from the crease of the thighs to the hipline and a bikini hair removal treatment can remove hair up to three inches beyond this boundary. With a bikini treatment, hair can also be removed from just above the pubic region and around the sides of the labia.

Brazilian Hair Removal: If the bikini removes a lot of hair, a Brazilian takes things a bit further. A Brazilian entails pubic hair removal and usually leaves the entire pubic region bare, including around the labia and the perianal area. While women can have as much or as little hair removed as they prefer, most women elect for the following:

Both types of hair removal can also include a “landing strip,” tiny triangle, or other customized shape of hair.

What all that means is that there is no “official” definition for either a Brazilian hair removal treatment or a bikini hair removal treatment. It is completely driven by personal preference.

Both also can be completed with the minimal pain that is associated with any type of hair removal by using lasers.

About that Pain …

While the pain level of laser hair removal “down there” is not as bad as has been portrayed on sitcoms when the old wax strips were used, there is some discomfort. This is because laser hair treatment involves putting a hot beam of light on bare skin. Additionally, the laser does have enough energy to penetrate to the follicle, which can also cause mild discomfort.

Either treatment also impacts some pretty sensitive parts, so while the treatment itself will not usually hurt, the aftermath can include some itching and irritation. Fortunately, both are not very intense and fade quickly.

Which is Better?

The choice of hair removal technique is really a personal one. There really are only two questions to consider when trying to choose:

Both treatments are very safe, highly effective and utilize the tried, tested, and true pulse light technology to comfortably remove unwanted hair and shape other hair. Each works on any type of skin and is effective with light skin, dark or anything in between.

Since safety is not really a concern, anyone opting for laser hair treatment should focus on what will make them feel comfortable and sexier.

The Alternatives

Regardless of what technique a person chooses, one thing is for sure: It beats any of the alternatives in terms of comfort and convenience, both before and after the procedure.

Shaving: This is the old-fashioned way of removing hair and can cause irritation when trying to remove hair from sensitive body parts. Plus, ingrown hairs are a possibility and an uneven shave can look strange. Then there is the “shadow effect” with shaving because all shaving accomplishes is trimming hair and not removing it.

Shaving is required for laser treatment, but not as closely as trying to get a smooth appearance and the effect of shaving only lasts a few days.

Waxing: Using hot wax strips is another option that is not terribly effective for very long. It also hurts, especially when wax treatments are applied to sensitive areas. Then, there is the removal and aftermath, which can include itching, burning, rashes and tenderness.

Given those alternatives, certified laser hair removal by professionals is an easy choice because it quickly removes unwanted hair without the immediate and after treatment side effects.

“Beach ready” is almost an immediate thing once treatment is complete and it lasts much longer than either alternative, both of which make even slight discomfort well worth the effort.

What to Expect and How to Prepare

For both a Brazilian and a bikini laser hair removal treatment, some prep work is needed. The entire area will need to be shaven in order to avoid burning hair during treatment.

In some cases, more than one trip to the hair removal treatment center is necessary because of the hair growth life cycle. Treatment will usually take 15 minutes or less, which makes hair removal an option for even the busiest of customers.

Some want laser hair removal to be permanent, but with any customer, hair regrowth is a possibility. Over time and treatments, though, hair becomes thinner and less visible.  

There is not much prep beyond shaving the area being treated and showing up for the hair removal treatment.

Choosing the Right Clinic

This is perhaps the most important aspect of laser hair removal treatment. Regardless of whether you choose a Brazilian or bikini hair removal treatment, your experience and the results will be as good as the clinic doing the work.

When choosing, you should verify that the equipment used is modern and that the staff is experienced in using it. Do your research on the best places for laser hair removal in NYC and get a sense of how other customers feel about the treatment they received.

Getting a Brazilian or bikini look done at a laser center with properly equipped and trained experts will make getting ready for summer fun instead of painful. The staff at Park Slope Laser can give you and your body the care you deserve for a beach ready and sexy look. Call us today at 718-369-0019 to book an appointment!

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